Private Yoga Classes in Edinburgh

Can you still have in-person private yoga classes in Edinburgh at The Yoga Transformative?


We’re Still Open At The Yoga Transformative Studio

Can you still have in person private yoga classes in Edinburgh at The Yoga Transformative? Yes!

I’ve been getting asked this a lot over the last few weeks of the new lockdown restrictions in Edinburgh.

To clear things up – group classes are not allowed, but classes and training for individuals is still able to continue (providing the usual measures are still in place; more on that below).

I currently only teach yoga to individuals (private yoga classes) and am not offering any group classes at the moment. I believe I’m actually the owner of the only open Edinburgh yoga studio right now for this reason! This feels very surreal and I’m sending all the love and support out to all the other studios in town.

Keeping You Safe

We’ve put in place a lot of measures at our Edinburgh yoga studio, even before reopening.  I’ll share a few of them below.  I know so many of us are nervous about going to many new places at the moment, and I hope these points give you peace of mind.  All I care about is keeping everyone safe so I am taking all the measures to make sure that we minimise risks as much as we possibly can.

Our studio policies

  • We did an in-depth risk assessment with a H&S company back in July, even though we didn’t know when we’d be allowed to reopen. We ended up fully ready to reopen 7 weeks before we did.  Super keen!
  • All 4 studios are being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between every class/client
  • Our wonderful studio cleaner is deep cleaning the entire space (all 2 storeys!) 3 times a week
  • Everyone entering the studio is required to disinfect their hands with isopropanol and soap and water) on entry, and has their temperature taken with our infrared thermometer
  • Face coverings are required in all communal areas (corridors, bathrooms etc)
  • Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms are not permitted to enter the studio and are instead asked to reschedule their appointment free of charge

My teaching policies

  • I keep my face covering on while teaching, but it’s your choice whether you want to keep it or remove it for practice.  I totally appreciate that face coverings with movement and breath work is not much fun, so I leave that up to you!
  • All yoga clients are asked to bring their own mats and props where possible.  We can provide spares if required, but request that you provide your own as often as you can
  • Social distancing is maintained at all times. That means no physical/hands-on adjustments.  That said, I’m excellent with verbal cues so you may not even miss them!
  • I’m allowing 30 minutes between every client to create plenty of time for deep cleaning of the space
  • Enough ventilation is always ensured. I keep the studio windows open and the heating up so you won’t feel the cold

Our Edinburgh Yoga Studio Is Your Safe Sanctuary

As I mentioned earlier, I want to keep everyone safe above and beyond anything else.  Our yoga studio is your safe yoga sanctuary.

I’m working with a lot of new private yoga clients who have never practiced yoga before.  2020 has shed light on the need for healing practices like yoga on a whole new level.  If you would like to learn about yoga in a safe and supportive way, you can find out more about private yoga classes below.

Let me know if you have any questions about any of this.  You are welcome to leave a comment below, or send me an email if you’d like any more information.
