2014 has been a roller coaster of a year for me! From injuries, quitting my phd and my bipolar ‘flaring up’, to buying my first home, getting into YTT and training harder than ever…it has been nothing short of eventful!

One recurring theme of this year was self-care, or lack of it. I’m one of those who has always relied on others to validate me, or even to make me feel better when I’m sad/lonely/etc. 2014 has seen me become more aware of this, and to start making the shift from dependence to self-reliance.

This year I am going to focus on self-love, in the most selfish and egocentric way possible.

A lot of people, myself included until recently, see self-care as having a bubble bath, calling a friend or painting nails, and while this can be useful, it isn’t always helpful in the long term. Will nail polish really help you recover from an illness or a failed relationship? Short term possibly, but if you want long term recovery and internal strength you have to look within.

What do I mean by that?

I mean you have to become your own best friend, and understand what makes you happy. Treat yourself with kindness and curiosity, and be mindful towards your feelings and emotions. Don’t beat yourself up for your shortcomings – instead focus on your strengths and what you really bring to the world.

For me, 2015 will be based on:

Strength This may be a little vague, but bear with me. Yes I do want to get physically stronger, as this for me portrays a much healthier image than ‘skinny’ or ‘thin’ and I know that muscular strength makes me have a more positive image of myself. But I also want to channel my inner strength to have more self-belief and independence.

Listening to my own intuition I am the most indecisive person ever, and only recently I have discovered that it’s my low self-esteem holding me back from making even the smallest decisions. This year I want to start trusting my own judgement, and believing that my choices are just as valid as anyone else’s.

Meditation and Mindfulness I want to start cultivating a deeper meditation practice. Even if it’s just a few minutes of silence every day, I think it is so important to spend quality time with yourself, away from any distractions. I want to start asking myself the bigger questions, rather than relying on google/friends/family to answer them for me.

Look after myself from the outside in Eating is part of all of our daily lives, but nourishing your body is a whole other matter entirely. Eating on the go, reaching for whatever is most convenient and not listening to what your body truly wants does not build you up for a healthy and happy life. Actually taking time to prepare meals in advance if you’re going to be busy, eat fresh produce (and the more varied the better) and spending a moment to consider to what you really want, will mean you are more in tune with your body, and looking after yourself in the best way possible.

What are your aims for 2015? Let me know in the comments below!

Tali xxx