Grab a towel 😉

This powerful vinyasa flow yoga class is designed to prepare you for sirsasana (headstand), and get you feeling seriously strong in the process.

Power Vinyasa Flow Video – Fiery Headstand Yoga Class

We’ve been taking it easy on my YouTube channel lately so here’s an online yoga class to balance that out! This powerful vinyasa flow video will get your energy levels up and create strength in your shoulders and core. Plus, if you have an existing headstand practice, then there are several opportunities for you to get upside down.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – always learn inversions with a teacher. A great yoga teacher will give you all the strategies to get upside down, and give you specific advice on how to improve YOUR alignment and control in this postures.  That is why I never recommend learning from a video on the internet.  That and I never want you to hurt yourself trying advanced poses on your own…!

That said, this is still a fantastic class for you, whether you have an inversion practice or not! You will learn how to engage and build strength in specific muscles so that you feel strong and empowered. This fun and fiery yoga flow will benefit your yoga practice, daily life, and your knowledge if/when you do start to learn inversions.

Personalised Yoga Classes

Again, I always recommend working with a teacher if you’d love to create a strong inversion practice.  This is particularly important at the start of your journey towards the upside down! I teach so many of my private yoga students how to begin or improve their inversion practice.  I offer these private yoga classes in person at my Edinburgh yoga studio, or online via Zoom.  If you’re looking for a personalised yoga program to help you with your yoga inversion practice, you can find out more below.

I hope you enjoyed this online yoga class! Have a posture or transition that you are desperate to explore or refine? I can help! Drop a comment below or send me an email with any video requests.
