“The head is powerful, but it can only get us what we really want if we open our heart first.”

– James Doty

Urdhva Dhanurasana pose

Online Intermediate Yoga Class

Learn to live your life heart first with this backbend-focused intermediate vinyasa flow class. There will be opportunities to explore wild thing, floating dogs, spinal rolls, bridge and urdhva dhanurasana in this backbend-packed 50min class.

When we move through backbends we can free up the front body, helping you to breath deeply and feel more open.

Advance Your Yoga Practice With Evolve

Evolve is a private yoga experience designed for yoga practitioners who are ready to advance their yoga practice and are desperate to create an intuitive, free-flow home practice.  Find out more if you want to create a home yoga practice you won’t want to skip.

Take some time to practice this class – and let me know how you feel afterwards in the comments below! If you want to see more then head over to my YouTube channel and give this video a like. Happy practicing!
