Living Yoga ~ Yoga Classes in Edinburgh ~ Wednesdays at 5:30-6:30pm
Living yoga was the biggest source of personal transformation for me. Having a regular asana practice was incredibly potent, but learning to live in a more heart-centred and yogic way has been life changing.
As most of you know, I took a step back from health coaching a few months ago. Yoga has always been my greatest passion, and I wanted to be of service in a way that is more centred around this practice. The offering I am about to share with you will be the first of many, and an opportunity for you to learn how to incorporate more than asana into your life.
I am excited to offer a new weekly group yoga class in Edinburgh on Wednesday evenings at 5:30-6:30pm starting 19th June. We will look at the different aspects of living a yogic life and interweave these themes into a flow. Some of these concepts may be
- fiery transformation
- finding fluidity
- awareness and intuition
- non-attachment
- kleshas and gunas
- learning to accept what is, with compassion.
Find out more about Living Yoga Classes here!
Holding space for you and your yoga journey
I will guide you all through this journey, not just from the role of yoga teacher but also facilitator and mentor. I will support you so that you can integrate these class themes into your life off the yoga mat.
Over the years, I have done a LOT of self development. I’ve worked with teachers, mentors, coaches, therapists and healers. I’ve been helping others through my yoga teaching and coaching too. The most empowering thing I have ever learned is that we all know what we need to do to heal or grow. The hardest part is doing it alone.
This class is designed so you don’t have to do it alone anymore! Kula is one of my favourite Sanskrit words, meaning community, and this group class will be inclusive, accessible, and all about the kula! Open to all who are interested in yoga – including asana and/or a deeper path into healing and growth, this group yoga class in Edinburgh will be held at my favourite West End studio, OMH Therapies, and will run in 4 weekly blocks (drop in available too).
If you don’t feel comfortable in a group class…
I still want to share with you all of my knowledge and experience of living yoga. A lot of people I speak with (and work privately with) feel hesitant over joining a group class. While we will grow in this class over time, I want you to feel comfortable and safe in the knowledge that this class may be just right for you.
If you want individualised support, I am offering a special Mentorship option. This is perfect for you if you want to dive deeper into your practice and get individualised support. In addition to the 4 week block of group classes, you will receive a one-hour private yoga class with me at your scheduling convenience. After our 1:1 yoga class, I will send you a personalised yoga video for you to practice at home. The video will be designed around your specific needs, providing a framework so you can build a home yoga practice that is right for you.
Alternatively, I always offer 100% private yoga classes if you want bespoke and individualised classes at any point throughout your yoga journey.