One of my favourite pastimes is reading other people’s goals (is that just me?). On the off chance someone else shares that guilty pleasure, I thought I’d write a monthly blog about this. I want to share my goals every month right here, both to keep me accountable and offer ideas if anyone feels stuck! With no further ado, here are my June goals.
Is anyone’s 2020 actually going to plan?
On second thoughts, it might be best not to answer that…
Goal Setting
I opened the most beautiful yoga studio in January, which has now been closed considerably longer than it was open. To distract myself from weeping over how much I miss it 24/7, I’ve been setting myself mini goals every week. Accomplishing tasks creates a sense of progression and purpose in life. No matter how small the goal is, I think we all need a sense of achievement right now.
Don’t forget to pat yourself on the back or reward yourself when you have done something you are proud of. Getting out of bed before 8am included.
1. Self Care Checklist
April was a bit of a funky month for me, and I finally realised I don’t respond well to setting deadlines and creating rigid routines. My aim in May was for teaching and coaching work to be the only predefined plans in my week. I knew I needed to let my intuition lead during each day, but there were also some actions that I wanted to feature every day. Enter, the Self Care Checklist.
This is quite simply a short list of non-negotiable self-care actions you want to do every day. There’s no need to schedule anything for a particular time if that doesn’t work for you either. The only target is to tick all the tasks off by the end of the day. Although the benefits of committing to this are more than enough, I reward myself with a wee treat at the end of every week for sticking to this. So far it’s been Lululemon gear and goodies from Lush, but anything goes!
I’m continuing my May checklist into June because it is serving me really well. You can see it in all its glory below!
Having my own home practice has always been the most important self care ritual, but I’m also doing lots of online classes too. I’m also planning on joining in with my boyfriend’s calisthenics and Animal Flow workouts in June to get me out of my yogi comfort zone.
Along with yoga and movement, I find myself in flow state when I’m writing. Creativity is so important for our health, whether it’s painting, writing, free movement, cooking or anything else.
It’s also vital to be mindful about what information we’re consuming, and whether it is actually helpful for us. I feel so much more motivated and creative when I spend less time scrolling. This gives me more opportunity to read or watch high quality, relevant and inspiring content.
2. DIY Central
We’ve been busy painting our big open plan living-dining room at home over the last couple of weeks, and I can’t wait to show it off when it’s finished! Our living-area-meets-home-yoga-studio is now a beautiful shade of lilac/grey/pink (F&B Peignoir).
We’re also embracing minimalism and giving so many items away. Our aim for June is to get right back to the bare bone requirements. From there we can then invest in décor and furnishings that we’re really passionate about.
My boyfriend – aka Talisman thanks to some wonderfully hilarious clients who coined the phrase – is choosing the dining room colour scheme. It’s going to be a deliciously cosy Zen-inspired den. Hopefully that will be done in June too! Watch this space.
June is going to be all about finishing the little bits and pieces of DIY in the studio too! We have a very long list of tiny tasks to complete, and it’s going to be so fun. More than anything, I cannot wait to see Rachel and our beautiful studio space.
As I write this, lockdown here in Scotland has just transitioned into Phase 1. This means I will be able to adopt my studio partner Rachel into my household and give her all the air-hugs she deserves!
We’re still ironing out the specifics of when we will be able to teach in person again, but hopefully it won’t be long. In the meantime, I’m still teaching yoga and coaching online on Zoom, so get in touch if you are ready to dive in!
3. Productivity and Creativity
Writing is one of my biggest passions, and I’m devoting more time than ever to the art. I am full of inspiration and insights to share with you! I have lots of blog posts and video content planned to create in June. Follow me on Instagram or sign up to my newsletter if you want to stay in the loop.
I’m fully embracing the Pomodoro technique now to work on content. It’s making a huge difference to my productivity. I committed to it a couple of weeks ago, and I’ll definitely be keeping to it in June. It’s such a simple concept, but I find it keeps me fully focused on the task at hand. I don’t get distracted working this way, and the breaks are frequent and long enough to keep my productivity and creativity high.
It looks like I’ll be spending June in my paint clothes and on my yoga mat. How about you? I would love to hear what your goals are this month, so let me know in the comments below.
Lastly, don’t forget I have some spaces in my diary for new coaching clients. Get in touch if one has your name on it.
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